
Let TOMOTA untangle long-standing problems with managing your shrimp farm

  • Are you struggling to keep your shrimp healthy and growing?
  • Do you have concerns about the efficiency of your pond equipment and the ability to identify potential issues?
  • Are you looking for ways to reduce waste and supply loss?
  • Do you want to optimize your workforce's productivity?

TOMOTA provides data-driven solutions that enable successful decision-making

In today's era of advanced technology, data plays a critical role in the sustainable and long-term development of aquaculture farms. By answering key questions about a farm's performance, data helps farmers make informed decisions that optimize production. These questions may include:

  • What problems is the farm facing?
  • Why is the harvest yield lower than expected? 
  • Why is the profit margin low? Why are the costs increasing?
  • What potential risks need to be addressed?
  • How can the size of the shrimp be increased?

With data-driven answers to these questions, farmers can make adjustments to their farming methods and maximize their production.


TOMOTA offers a comprehensive solution for shrimp farming that includes three essential components: the TOMOTA Alpha cabinet, the TOMOTA app, and the TOMOTA S3 shrimp size measurement device.

  • The TOMOTA Alpha cabinet functions as a central control center, linking all devices in the farming system and continuously recording, processing, and reporting information.
  • The TOMOTA app allows for easy interaction with the system, recording of tasks, and access to data, enabling farmers to monitor each farming pond effortlessly from anywhere and at any time.
  • The TOMOTA S3 shrimp size measurement device provides fast, accurate, and convenient support for monitoring the growth rate of shrimp, offering an optimal solution for farmers.

Raise shrimp successfully with your own unique approach

At Otanics, we understand that each region has its own set of natural conditions, and each shrimp farmer has their own specific techniques and experiences. We respect these differences and provide a tailored TOMOTA solution that fits your individual farming method.

By giving you control over your data, TOMOTA empowers you to grow your business and establish a strong foundation for future generations

Enhancement through world-class technology for improved success in aquaculture, reduced costs and risk mitigation

Convenient Buying Experience

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Frequent software updates, 12-month hardware warranty
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